S/E Welcomes Merrillville HS Students


In 2015, Merrillville High School started a summer camp to prepare incoming seniors for life after high school. One day each week is dedicated for students to visit actual job sites to learn more about real opportunities within the community.

This year, S/E welcomed a group of students interested in pursuing a career in the engineering field. We delivered a custom presentation that covered the history of engineering, the relevance of engineering in everyday life, the career opportunities within the engineering field and the earning potential an engineer has in the local and national market. S/E employees varied from each phase of a career, starting with a student intern, a recent graduate and engineers with 6, 10 and 20+ years of experience. Each engineer offered a unique perspective and represented educational degrees in, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, and Engineering Technology, Master of Science in Engineering, MBA’s and Professional Engineers.

The students asked questions regarding the educational requirements of the engineering field. Additionally, the students also wanted to know what type of projects S/E performed, including the individual responsibilities of each presenter. Overall, there were meaningful discussions and the students demonstrated a strong interest in pursuing an engineering career.

S/E is honored to support Merrillville High School in their effort to expose students to real world opportunities. We received personal thank you notes from each student and were happy that we could inform and inspire them as they make decisions toward choosing a career. The staff at Merrillville High School is certainly doing a great job to engage their students early, and we look forward to partnering with their future programs.