The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) recently named Superior Engineering’s Herbert Craig, P.E. as a Fellow Member grade. This prestigious honor is awarded to active members who have demonstrated exemplary service to their profession, to the NPSE, their State’s local chapter, and to their community. To date, only about one percent of all NPSE members have advanced to this highest membership rank.
Herb joined the NSPE in 1975 and has served his State and local societies with the utmost dedication, devotion, and commitment. Fittingly, through his Fellow Member grade in the NSPE, he will also be recognized by the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers for his contributions and achievements.
Superior Engineering, along with our clients, have had the pleasure of working with Herb for many years. His experience, professionalism and knowledge base have been important assets to our team. We are incredibly proud of Herb and he is very deserving of such an outstanding recognition.