Seemingly small issues can often carry significant ramifications if not properly addressed. When a global producer and supplier of steel products experienced a challenge of this nature, they relied on Superior Engineering for a quick and efficient solution.
The plant suspected that their existing monorail system was operating outside of its safe capacity rating. This was an important piece of equipment that was crucial in day-to-day operations and resolving the issue was a top priority.
S/E began work just days after the initial inquiry by collecting field data and performing a comprehensive analysis of the existing structure and equipment. This included defining allowable limits, damage assessments and analysis of the individual components.
After field data was collected, a specialized team of engineers prepared a thorough report outlining a path to enhance the system at hand. Included in this report was a strategy to achieve desired lifting capabilities, satisfy roof load requirements and address a dumping pin that was previously overlooked.
In a brief amount of time, S/E was able to analyze a potentially hazardous situation and provide a strategy to resolve the issues. In the process, additional threats were discovered and remedied before becoming a problem. The entire system was repaired, improved, and enhanced to meet the future demands of steel production.