Bonding and Grounding Compliance play an integral role in personnel safety, while also protecting equipment from undesired electric current surges. Superior Engineering (S/E) was recently contracted to complete a review of Grounding and Bonding requirements for a large food and beverage client. The client goal was to achieve facility-wide compliance, enhancing the preventative maintenance of its equipment and structures that are electrically bonded and/or grounded.
The Bonding and Grounding focused on both classified and unclassified areas, looking for deficiencies with respect to both the Owner’s and industry Electrical Standards. This dictated a site review of multiple processes located in separate areas of the plant. Prior to the site walkdown, S/E conducted a search of the client’s electrical drawing archives for any and all applicable data. Following the physical evaluation, a building column grid map and labeling convention were implemented. This precisely located the existing bonding and grounding deficiencies and allowed the Owner to design repairs in concert with their annual project management plan for the site's bonding and grounding connections.