Superior Engineering (S/E) often supports our clients when asked to accelerate projects to the next stage. This includes completion of missing field data, quantifying project costs and coordinating various gatekeepers through the process.
S/E was contracted to investigate the potential for installing three tanks and associated piping into an existing tank farm for a major industrial supplier, with the goal of increasing storage volume at the site. Two of the tanks were new and the third tank was an existing tank that needed modifications for increased capacity.
S/E delivered the following services to assist the client enhancing their tank farm:
- A comprehensive Feasibility Study.
- Reviewed code requirements for the proper Electrical Classification in the existing tank farm.
- Reviewed containment code requirements for adequacy with the consideration for the proximity of each tank, particularly the placement of the solvents and acids stored in the existing tank farm.
- Performed on-site walk down: The walk down was used for data gathering purposes to support the project scope. During this walk down, S/E performed a field scan of the project area to obtain current field conditions.
- Updated Basis of Design document. This document was included with updates to the Initial project stage, including the original Basis of Design document for the system.
- Provided 3D Conceptual Screen Shots that S/E created from scanned data. This was used to create the relevant 3D models, depicting the new project scope and layout.
- Updated the existing P&IDs. The existing P&IDs were updated in red-line format overwriting to the new project scope.
- Created equipment lists and associated data sheets:
- Facilitated the Interactive 3D model review meetings.
- Prepared and deliver the final Basis of Design documentation.