Superior Engineering (S/E) recently joined Purdue University in celebrating the grand opening of their new Commercialization and Manufacturing Excellence Center. Located just a few blocks of Purdue’s Calumet Campus, the new center will serve local businesses and entrepreneurs as a facility to train employees and develop new business solutions. S/E played a key role in the development of the new …
Superior Recognized for Safety Performance
The Three Rivers Manufacturers’ Association (TRMA) Board of Directors has announced that Superior Engineering will be recognized for its safety performance while working at TRMA facilities in 2014. S/E was awarded the Meritorious Performance and Gold Awards. TRMA established an awards program to recognize the safety performance of contractor companies working at member company sites. This is the 21st year TRMA have been recognizing …
Superior rated in Top 500 Design Firms
Superior Engineering is proud of their continued recognition in ENR Top 500 Design Firms in 2013. Download the PDF of the article for all the latest infographics with data and viewpoints from the nation’s largest design firms, presented in easy-to-read formats to provide readers with fresh insights.
Thomas J. Gyure Appointed General Manager of Superior Engineering
Hammond, IN, May 17, 2013 The Directors of the S\TEC Group Inc. (S\TEC) are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas J. Gyure as General Manager of Superior Engineering, LLC, and Superior Engineering-Illinois, LLC. As General Manager, Mr. Gyure is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the companies, with a focus toward continuing the growth of Superior Engineering. “Superior …